I started my professional journey as a Software Engineer at the end of 2021, when I was on my first year in college as a Frontend Engineer at Mentor Inc. Learned my first programming language, Java, when I was in high school.
Work Experience
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I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.

Progressive Web Application (PWA) for my student organization at ITB, HMIF (Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika or Informatics Student Association). My role is as a project leader. I lead 15 people which consist of 3 teams: backend, frontend, and UI/UX designers. Besides managing, I also code and design the infrastructure for the app.
WebGL 3D Renderer
A 3D renderer made with WebGL for my Computer Graphics course from scratch. Made custom shaders to apply phong shading. The program itself is like three.js but with less features. Implement lighting, shading, normal mapping, displacement mapping, and many more. You can actually try to make your own 3D model in the website.

Twitter Clone
One of my first projects when I started learning web development. The UI is made as close as possible to the real Twitter (at that time, not X). The backend is made with Next.js API routes and Prisma. The frontend is made with Next.js and TailwindCSS. The project is deployed on Vercel. You can actually try to login with the username try
and password try